Teaching Ocean Sciences in the 21st Century Classroom
The long-term focus of the Teaching Ocean Science in the 21st Century Classroom initiative is to create a model for effective development and use of on- line tools and web-based ocean science resources for middle and high school level instruction. Key activities include working collaboratively to create: 1) a set of learning modules that are accessible, technically robust, scientifically accurate, and that promote inquiry through the use of technology-mediated visualizations, simulations and investigations; and 2) effective, sustained three-way partnerships among teachers, educational facilitators and researchers for the development of cutting-edge science instructional materials, ongoing professional development and ever-increasing research scientist-teacher collaborations. COSEE CA has partnered with San Diego Unified School District and is working with teachers, technology experts and administrators to establish SDUSD as a proving ground for the TOST initiative. At the HS level we work primarily with teachers teaching in the newly adopted SDUSD Earth science program. At the middle school level we work with the Enhancing Science Education Through Technology (ESETT) program to leverage their work in bringing technology into science instruction and to promote science and technology literacy.