Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE California
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Course overview

Communicating Ocean Sciences to K12 Audiences is designed to introduce undergraduate and graduate students in ocean sciences related majors to inquiry-based instructional strategies for communicating their passion for their subject area. These strategies, combined with college students’ content knowledge and enthusiasm for sharing it, equip them to introduce ocean sciences to K-12 students and teachers in local schools. A teaching manual and resource guide providing in-depth instructions, session write-ups and materials lists for teaching the course.

hands on science with young children

COS-K12 provides experience with exemplary instructional materials, which illuminate current best practices in science teaching:

  • there are twelve, 2.5-3 hour long, inquiry-based sessions.
  • students are immersed in several weeks of hands-on ocean science activities designed to illustrate key elements of K–12 pedagogy.
  • pairs of students select an ocean science unit (and kit) that they will teach in a local classrooms where they spend the next six weeks (1-2 hours/week), working side-by-side with a teacher, exploring inquiry-based ocean science content with children.

Development of this course was made possible by funding from the National Science Foundation Geosciences Directorate, Division of Ocean Sciences (Grants OCE-0215500 & OCE-0731182) for COSEE California at the Lawrence Hall of Science/University of California, Berkeley.

I'm really glad to have worked with my teaching partner, someone I did not know before. Not only did I gain great experience from the course itself, but also a great friend. Our teaching styles worked really well together. We also enjoyed what we did, and this is probably why our experience is so valuable and meaningful. I have formed a connection with the students and the classroom teacher that is priceless and am inspired and motivated to do something like this again.
-Undergraduate Student, Communicating Ocean Sciences

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  • Visit to download course materials and connect with other instructors teaching the course
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants OCE-0215500 and OCE-0731182. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.