How to Offer the Courses The framework of the courses is easily adapted to accommodate and emphasize a variety of educational and outreach needs, and thus they look different at each institution where they are offered. For instance, it is the centerpiece of the GK-12 program at the University of Oregon and is listed as a general science class at Stanford where it attracts mostly graduate students from 5 different departments. Colleges and universities are invited to adapt and offer the courses. The following components are helpful to have in place if you are considering offering the either of the courses:
COS Instructors' Workshop @ the Lawrence Hall of Science
Co-teaching the class has been fun and gratifying. It is great to have the opportunity to think beyond the typical college lecture format. I have incorporated some of the sessions into my other marine science classes, and my teaching skills have definitely improved, particularly my ability to lead successful class discussions. The next Communicating Ocean Sciences Instructor's Workshop at the Lawrence Hall of Science is August 8-10, 2011. Attend the workshop to prepare to teach future generations of ocean scientists how to communicate their understanding of and passion for the ocean realm. For more details, please see the Instructors' Workshop Flyer (DOCX, 267 KB) and the Application and Registration Form (DOCX, 180 KB). For more information on the Lawrence Hall of Science, including directions, visit the our website. If you have questions or require further information about COS-K12 or COSIA, contact: Catherine Halversen Learn more. Become part of the community.